================ Decision Making -- Inspirational Messages ============== by M.D. Smith -- Huntsville, AL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PROGRAM WILL HELP YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO IN A PENDING MATTER THAT YOU MUST MAKE A DECISION ABOUT IN THE NEAR FUTURE. ANSWER THE 25 QUESTIONS IN THE MAIN PROGRAM AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO ! As you may have guessed, a `Y' scores AGAINST your decision making abilities. Actually, gamblers are quite satisfied with a `batting average' of 55%, because in the long run they will make money. Most of us, unless we do everything wrong, are pretty good decision-makers. The main problem seems to be our concern about being right every time. Even if we are wrong some of the time, it's our `batting average' that will get us to the top. But we sure can't get a decent batting average if we don't swing the bat. The questionnaire should have shown you that you are already good in making decisions. You just need to make them fearlessly when needed and be ready to modify them if it becomes necessary with more input at a later time. Now you see that the real answer about a decision when you ask yourself, "WHAT SHOULD I DO", is to decide just as you have been doing. But now, you can decide without fear. No, you won't be perfect. You just weigh the alternatives, make the decision, and be ready to modify it if additional input and information makes it necessary. We are better than we usually think...we just needed to know it. **** GOOD DECISIONS TO YOU, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO ! **** --------------------------------------------------[ more ]--------------- ***** TO THE MAN...IN THE ARENA ***** "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; and who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." "THEODORE ROOSEVELT" --------------------------------------------------[ more ]--------------- ** NO GUTS.... NO GLORY ! ** The message here is simply this: If you aren't willing to take a chance with some of your decisions, you'll never truly experience the good feeling, the GLORY of accomplishment. You won't always succeed, but the successes will overshadow the failures. --------------------------------------------------[ more ]---------------- "THE MAN WHO NEVER MAKES ANY MISTAKES, NEVER MAKES ANYTHING." HARRY TRUMAN Don't put off making a decision when one is needed for fear of making a mistake. Make decisions at the time needed. If it turns out to be a mistake, then make a new decision. Harry Truman made his share of mistakes, but he is remembered for his accomplishments, not his mistakes. --------------------------------------------------[ more ]---------------- Do you 'PLAY IT SAFE' with decisions? Is playing it safe the 'AVERAGE' thing to do? Don't be average. That is living by DEFAULT. It's not having the guts to take a stand in life. Average is the Top of the Bottom or the Bottom of the Top. Average is the Best of the Worst or the Worst of the Best. You can have one foot on a block of ice and the other in boiling water, and, on-the-average, you're comfortable. The post-office averages a 3-day delivery. Bills come in 1 day and your checks come in 6 days. DON'T ALWAYS BE AVERAGE AND DON'T ALWAYS PLAY IT SAFE ! --------------------------------------------------[ more ]---------------- "GOOD DECISIONS COME FROM EXPERIENCE AND EXPERIENCE COMES FROM POOR DECISIONS." Herbert V. Prochnow, President Chicago First National Bank No one ever makes only good decisions. Both you and subordinates must make your share of poor decisions. Actually, these are good decisions at the time, they just turned out badly later. But we learn from the experiences and we all must have room to make our share of mistakes. That is how each of us grows. Make decisions when needed and allow for a fair share of mistakes from your decisions. Of course, allow the same flexibility in others' decisions. ******************************[end of messages]**************************